About us


Teddy and Borealis


My name is Teddy. I live in Florida and am very fortunate to travel to a lot of awesome places with my family.

I would like to introduce you to my companion. I met him on one of my many trips to Canada.  He has a neat name. I call him Borealis because he is always talking about how beautiful the dancing lights are in the sky where he grew up.

My Ancestry

Our family tree is amazing.  It’s got so many branches.  I can trace my roots back to the 1600s. Some of my ancestors came from Switzerland, the Channel Islands between France and England, Canada, Colombia and the Basque region of Spain. My other ancestors came from different parts of the United States, Poland, Russia and Belarus. All this diversity makes me feel connected with so many fascinating parts of the world.

My family tree has many branches from around the world

Contact Us

If you want to contact me or Borealis, you can write us at: teddystravels@gmail.com